Conical or Vertical scanning Doppler lidar for wind profiles and Aerosol Backscatter Intensity (ABI) profiles packaged for aircraft, ship, or ground based measurements. Installed in the bed of a pickup truck in 2020, the lidar was coupled with a motion stabilization platform which allowed for stabilization during vertical staring measurements and scanning during azimuthal scans.
Basic Parameters Measured
Horizontal wind profiles
Vertical velocity
Range corrected, Aerosol Backscatter Intensity (ABI) profiles
Aircraft MicroDop Scanning mode (left; 1 rev/profile every 1-6 seconds) and Vertical Starring mode (right)
MicroDop installed over 19.5" port on NOAA Twin Otter – articulates for vertical staring and removal of aircraft pitch
Typical Specifications
Pulse length 30, 60, 90 m
Pulse rep frequency 20,000 Hz
Beam rate 2-10 Hz
Pulse energy 50 µJ
Wavelength 1.553 µm (invisible & eyesafe)
Beam diameter 7.62 cm
Orientation vertical
Maximum range 7 km
Electrical power 120V 30A
Platforms ground, ship, aircraft
Field Projects
Project Name Date Location
USOS Utah Summer Ozone Study 202407 July - August 2024Salt Lake City, Utah (aircraft)
AMMBEC Airborne Methane Mass Balance Emissions in Colorado 202407 July 2024Colorado Front Range (aircraft, truck)
AMED Airborne Measurements and analysis of Emissions over the Denver-Julesburg & Piceance 202310 October - November 2023NW Colorado (truck)
AWAKEN American WAKE experimeNt 202308 August - September 2023Oklahoma (truck)
CUPiDS Coastal Urban Plume Dynamics Study 202306 June - August 2023NYC region (aircraft)
CalFiDE California Fire Dynamics Experiment 202208 August - September 2022California (aircraft, truck)
SITE System Integration and Test Experiment 202106 Summer 2021Lakeland, Florida (aircraft)
SUNVEx Southwest Urban NOx and VOC Experiment 202106 Summer 2021Las Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California (truck)
PUMAS PickUp based Mobile Atmospheric Sounder 202006 June - October 2020, October - November 2021Colorado Front Range (truck)
COVID-AQS COVID Air Quality Study 202003 Spring 2020Boulder, Colorado (ground site)
ATOMIC Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign 202001 January - February 2020tropical North Atlantic (ship)
FIREX-AQ Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality 201908 July - August 2019Boise, Idaho (aircraft)
Fire Winds 201807 June 2018Lakeland, Florida (aircraft)
PISTON Propagation of Intra-Seasonal Tropical Oscillations 201708 August - October 2018Philippine Sea (ship)
FAST-LVOS Fires, Asian, and Stratospheric Transport - Las Vegas Ozone Study 201705 May - June 2017Las Vegas, Nevada (ground site)
WFIP2 2nd Wind Forecast Improvement Project 201609 September - October 2016Columbia River Basin (ground site)