YouTube (CIRES): Researchers chase wildfires in real time
More Information: First-of-its-kind experiment illuminates wildfires in unprecedented detail 1 April 2024
YouTube (CIRES): CIRES researchers tackle air quality from New York streets
More Information: Researchers tackle air quality from the streets of New York 13 October 2023
NBC Today - Climate: How scientists are hitting the streets to collect air quality data
More Information: AGES+ Coordinating Activities Summer 2023
YouTube (CARB): 2022 Haagen Smit Clean Air Awards - Clean Air Leadership Talks
More Information: Haagen-Smit Clean Air Award for Dan Albritton 1 June 2023
Scripps News: Step inside the lab that's trying to decode the Earth's atmosphere
More Information: NOAA research in the stratosphere is taking off 2 March 2023
YouTube (CO-LABS): 2022 Pathfinding Partnerships Award: Rapid-Response Science after the Marshall Fire
More Information: NOAA and CIRES Team Receives Colorado Governor's Award for High-Impact Research 16 November 2022
YouTube (NOAA CSL): NOAA Researcher Andy Langford takes a look back at 10 years of Lidar Observations at the NOAA Fritz Peak Observatory (1989-1999)
More Information: Timberline Fire Protection District Acquires the Fritz Peak Observatory 30 March 2022
YouTube (NOAA CSL): La Réunion balloon launch by Lizzy Asher
More Information: Eruption provides rare opportunity to study volcanic gas and ash injected into the stratosphere 20 January 2022
YouTube (NOAA CSL): SUNVEx interview snippet by Chelsea Thompson
More Information: Southwest Urban NOx and VOC Experiment (SUNVEx) June - September 2021
YouTube (NOAA CSL): SUNVEx Pasadena ground site by Matt Coggon
More Information: Southwest Urban NOx and VOC Experiment (SUNVEx) June - September 2021
YouTube (NOAA CSL): NASA WB-57 takeoff by Angelina Leonardi
More Information: Test flights underway for the ACCLIP airborne mission investigating climate and chemistry impacts of the Asian Summer Monsoon 10 August 2021
YouTube (NOAA Technology Partnerships Office): NOAA Technology Transfer Success POPS Handix Scientific
More Information: Small Company Thrives on Commercialization of Miniaturized Particle Spectrometer 24 August 2021
YouTube (NOAA Central Region): Three Minute Thesis Webinar on NOAA's Role in Wildfire Events
More Information: NOAA Three Minute Thesis Webinar on NOAA's Role in Wildfire Events: How FIREX-AQ Science Strengthens the Foundation for NOAA Operations 30 July 2021
Vimeo (NOAA CSL): CSL Science Review 2021 collection
More Information: CSL Science Review 23 - 25 February 2021
YouTube (NOAA ESRL): The Particles We Breathe: Smog with Matt Coggon
More Information: CSL at NOAA Boulder 8th Grade Science Days 9 October 2020
YouTube (CO-LABS): 2019 Governor's Awards - Discovery of Emission Violations to Montreal Protocol
More Information: ESRL Scientists Receive Colorado Governor's Award for High-Impact Research 14 November 2019
YouTube (NOAA Central Library): Quantifying Upstream and Downstream Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas
More Information: NOAA Central Library Brown Bag Seminar, NOAA Innovators Series 22 October 2019
YouTube (NOAA Central Library): POPS: A Portable Optical Particle Spectrometer for atmospheric research
More Information: NOAA Central Library Brown Bag Seminar, NOAA Innovators Series 28 August 2019
YouTube (City of Arvada): Let's Talk - NOAA
More Information: Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ) May - September 2019
YouTube (AAAS): A Shift in Our Understanding of Urban Air Pollution
More Information: Emissions of Household Products a Dominant Urban Air Pollution Source 15 February 2018
YouTube (TEDx Talks): Lessons from the World Avoided | Sean Davis
More Information: CSD Scientist Sean Davis at TEDx Event on Climate & Change 17 September 2017
YouTube (CIRES): FIREX FireLab 2016 intensive setup
More Information: Fire Influence on Regional and Global Environments Experiment (FIREX) FireLab 2016 intensive October - November 2016
YouTube (NOAA ESRL CSD): NOAA Bite Sized Science: Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
YouTube (NASA Goddard): ATom Mission interview clips - Tom Ryerson, NOAA
More Information: Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom) July 2016 - May 2018
YouTube (California Air Resources Board): Ozone research in San Joaquin Valley takes flight
More Information: California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS) May - August 2016
YouTube (NOAA ESRL): NOAA Boulder "My Brother's Keeper" Event
More Information: CSD Helps Lead the NOAA Boulder "My Brother's Keeper" Event 4 March 2016
YouTube (CO-LABS): CO-LABS Governor's Award for High-Impact Research - Atmospheric Science
More Information: ESRL Scientists Win Colorado Governor's Award for Oil & Gas Atmospheric Research 16 October 2014
YouTube (CIRES): Bright Lights in the Bakken
More Information: Twin Otter Projects Defining Oil/gas Well emissioNs (TOPDOWN) 2014 May - June 2014
SPIE video: James Churnside: Lidar on board - imaging water surfaces at sea level
More Information: Lidar observations reveal important information about ocean dynamics and the life underwater 20 November 2013
YouTube: Texas A&M University lead author Andrew Dessler explains Stratospheric water vapor feedback
More Information: Water vapor in the upper atmosphere amplifies global warming 30 September 2013
YouTube (CIRES): Science in Flight
More Information: Scientists investigating Southeast air quality and climate mysteries 19 June 2013
YouTube (CIRES): Oil and Gas Wells Contribute to Wintertime Ozone?
More Information: Oil and Gas Wells Contribute Fuel for Ozone Pollution 14 January 2013
YouTube (CO-LABS): CO-LABS 2012 Governor's Award for High-Impact Research
More Information: Colorado's Governor Awards Scientists for Air Quality Work during Gulf Oil Spill 5 October 2012
YouTube (CIRES): CIRES 45th Anniversary Celebration Opening Address "Airborne Exploration of the Changing Atmosphere" Dr. David Fahey
More Information: Three Decades of Aircraft-Aided Atmospheric Research 22 October 2012
YouTube (NOAA ESRL): Warming effects of wildfire soot with Dan Lack
More Information: Wildfires: The Heat is On 27 August 2012
YouTube (CIRES): Airborne Ethanol on the Rise
More Information: Increase in Airborne Ethanol 9 August 2012
YouTube (CIRES): Gasoline Worse Than Diesel for Some Types of Air Pollution
More Information: Gasoline worse than diesel when it comes to some types of air pollution 9 March 2012
YouTube (NOAA ESRL): Ozone Mystery
More Information: Utah's winter air quality mystery 7 March 2012
YouTube (CU): Smoke Discovery with Joost de Gouw
More Information: Smoke-related chemical discovered in the atmosphere could have health implications 16 May 2011
YouTube (CIRES): Gulf Oil Spill with Joost de Gouw
More Information: Insights from Oil Spill Air Pollution Study Have Applications Beyond Gulf 11 March 2011
YouTube (Boulder Daily Camera): NOAA Winter Atmosphere Study
More Information: Scientists Using Erie Tower to Study Not-So-Dormant Wintertime Air Chemistry 1 March 2011
YouTube (NOAA CSL): DLA Outstanding Science Communicator Award
More Information: DLA Outstanding Science Communicator Award December 2008
YouTube (NOAA CSL) for NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center: Scientists use lasers and vessels to understand coastal pelagic ecosystem
More Information: Oceanographic Lidar Field Programs: Columbia River Plume 2006
The Earth Explorers program educates and mentors underrepresented youth, giving them the opportunity to learn about the earth through discovery. Middle school students connect with science and engineering professionals in the community, including NOAA and CIRES, and use video and new media technology for creative storytelling. Earth Explorers Vimeo features many CSL (formerly the Chemical Sciences Division (CSD) of the Earth System Research Laboratory) scientists and their research:
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Dobson, featuring Birgit Hassler July 2014
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Particles, featuring Anne Perring June 2014
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Ryan Neely July 2013
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Ryan Neely June 2013
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Ryan Neely June 2012
Earth Explorers Vimeo: TOPAZ lidar, featuring Raul Alvarez June 2012
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Lasers, featuring Munkh Baasandorj June 2012
Earth Explorers Vimeo: Fracking & the Environment, including Jessica Gilman Spring 2012