E&E - UBWOS 2013
Energy and Environment - Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study (E&E UBWOS)
15 January - 1 March 2013
Horsepool, UT 40.14370°N, 109.46718°W
Various ground-based instruments.
Investigators in this project include researchers from NOAA ESRL Chemical Sciences Division and Global Monitoring Division, Physical Sciences Division, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, and the University of Colorado.
This follow-up project is designed to study the causes of high wintertime ozone observed in the Uintah Basin. Specifically, it will examine these science questions:
- Sources of VOCs, NOx, particles
- Ozone formation chemistry in areas of enhanced UV radiation from snow cover
- Unique radical sources: HONO, CH2O, ClNO2
- The role of transport

Photo: S. Sandberg, NOAA