Tropospheric Chemistry: Measurements

Tropospheric Chemistry research relies on measurements of the chemical and physical processes of the troposphere, particularly the effects of pollution on those processes. These measurements are obtained from mobile and ground-based platforms during coordinated field campaigns including FIREX-AQ 2019, FIREX FireLab 2016, SONGNEX 2015, SENEX 2013, CalNex 2010, ARCPAC 2008, ICEALOT 2008, TexAQS 2006, ICARTT: NEAQS-ITCT 2004, ITCT 2002, NEAQS 2002, TexAQS 2000, and SOS 1999. In addition, we also have information about field campaigns before 1999.

Our field projects have been designed to address components of the major research topics of air quality and climate by making measurements of chemical species, aerosol size and composition, as well as solar radiation using an extensive suite of instruments. Collected data are from measurements made by scientists from our laboratory and our collaborators at other institutions.

Please note that data access may require authentication and adhere to our Data Policy. Resources for investigators include ICARTT Data Format information and Data (Igor) Tools (authentication required). Provided for convenience are also datasets for modellers.

Field campaigns since 1999 are identified below. Select a project for detailed information and data. Alternatively, view the globe of field campaigns.

Field Research

Campaign Season All Platforms Location Purpose
USOS 2024 Summer mobile lab, ground site northern Utah Understanding the factors that lead to high ozone.
AMMBEC 2024 Summer mobile lab, ground site Colorado Front Range Quantify methane and other relevant emissions.
AEROMMA 2023 Summer NASA DC-8, NOAA Twin Otter, Ground sites LA basin and northeast coast Investigating anthropogenic and marine emissions that alter tropospheric composition and impact air quality and climate.
CalFiDE 2022 Summer NOAA Twin Otter, mobile labs California Study wildfire behavior and its response to spatially and temporally evolving wind fields.
SCENTS 2022 Spring, Summer Ground site Colorado State University Study oxidation products, in preparation for AEROMMA.
Marshall Fire AQ Response Winter Mobile lab Louisville and Superior, CO Understand lingering effects of smoke in outdoor air quality.
SUNVEx 2021 Summer Mobile lab, Ground sites Los Angeles and Las Vegas Investigating anthropogenic emissions that alter tropospheric composition and impact air quality and climate.
COVID-AQS 2020 Spring Ground site Boulder, CO Investigating emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
FIREX-AQ 2019 Summer NASA DC-8, NOAA Twin Otters Boise, ID Understand impact of North American fire emissions on air quality.
NYICE 2018 Spring and Summer Mobile lab NYC and City College of New York Study volatile organic compound (VOC) emission source areas in dense populations.
FAST-LVOS 2017 Spring Mobile lab Clark County, NV Investigating the causes of high-ozone events in Clark County.
UWFPS 2017 Winter NOAA Twin Otter northern Utah basins Investigating particulate matter in Utah basins in the wintertime.
FIREX FireLab 2016 Fall USDA Fire Lab Missoula, MT Understand impact of North American fire emissions on air quality.
ATom 2016-2018 Summer 2016,
Winter 2017,
Fall 2017,
Spring 2018
NASA DC-8 global Understand the impacts of human-produced air pollution on the environment.
Aliso Canyon Study Winter Scientific Aviation aircraft, Mobile lab northwest of Los Angeles, CA Study emissions of a natural gas well blowout in Aliso Canyon.
SONGNEX 2015 Spring NOAA WP-3D western US Study emissions of western US oil and shale gas basins.
WINTER 2015 Winter NSF/NCAR C-130 mid-Atlantic region Study emissions, transport and reactivity of anthropogenic pollutants in winter.
Agricultural Emissions Studies Summer Mobile lab northeastern CO Quantify agricultural nitrogen and methane emissions in northeastern Colorado.
FRAPPÉ / DISCOVER-AQ 2014 Summer Tower/Ground site Erie, CO CSD complementary measurements to Front Range air quality study.
CARE-Beijing 2014 Summer Ground site North China Plain Understand the transport and transformation process of air pollution in and around Beijing.
TOPDOWN 2014 Spring, Fall NOAA Twin Otter ND, CO, NM Understand the atmospheric impact of rapidly expanding oil and gas operations.
UBWOS 2014 Winter Ground site Horsepool, UT Follow up to study causes of high wintertime ozone.
SENEX 2013 Summer NOAA WP-3D Nashville, TN Study interactions between natural and anthropogenic emissions and affects on climate change and air quality.
UBWOS 2013 Winter Ground site Horsepool, UT Follow up to study causes of high wintertime ozone.
SONNE 2012 Summer Ground site Erie, CO Investigate VOCs in the vicinity of oil and gas production.
UBWOS 2012 Winter Ground site Horsepool, UT Study causes of high wintertime ozone.
BioCORN 2011 Summer Ground site Ft. Collins, CO Study dominant volatile organic compounds from biofuel crops.
Platteville 2011-2014 May 2011 -
August 2014
Ground site Platteville, CO Ozone and meteorological data in the vicinity of oil and gas drilling operations.
NACHTT 2011 Winter Ground site Erie, CO Measurements of halogens in the wintertime.
Deepwater Horizon 2010 Summer NOAA WP-3D Gulf of Mexico Survey Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
CalNex 2010 Spring - Summer NOAA WP-3D, R/V Atlantis, NOAA Twin Otter, Ground site Ontario, CA Study air quality and climate change.
ACCRONIM 2009 Winter Ground site Boulder, CO Informal investigation of nighttime NOx oxidation.
FireLab 2009 Winter USDA Fire Lab Missoula, MT Measurements of smoke emissions from 18 different fuels.
BAO 2008 Summer Ground site Erie, CO Investigate air quality and climate links.
ARCPAC 2008 Spring NOAA WP-3D Fairbanks, AK Study aerosols in the Arctic.
ICEALOT 2008 Spring R/V Knorr North Atlantic Study aerosols in the Arctic.
WinterStorms 2007 Winter NOAA G-4 Honolulu, HI and Anchorage, AK Measured O3 as adjunct effort to improve weather forecasts for western US.
WinterStorms 2006 Winter NOAA G-4 Honolulu, HI and Anchorage, AK Measured O3 as adjunct effort to improve weather forecasts for western US.
TexAQS 2006 Summer NOAA WP-3D, NOAA R/V RHB, NOAA Twin Otter Houston, TX Texas air quality study
Hurricane 2006 Fall NOAA G-4 western Atlantic, Caribbean O3 measurements as part of NOAA hurricane reconnaissance.
WinterStorms 2005 Winter NOAA G-4 Honolulu, HI and Anchorage, AK Measured O3 as adjunct effort to improve weather forecasts for western US.
Mesa 2005 Winter Ground site Boulder, CO Informal study of NOx oxidation in wintertime.
WinterStorms 2004 Winter NOAA G-4 Honolulu, HI and Anchorage, AK Measured O3 as adjunct effort to improve weather forecasts for western US.
NEAQS-ITCT 2004 Summer NOAA WP-3D, NOAA R/V RHB, Ground site eastern US Study emissions transport and mixing and aerosols.
INSPECT2 2004 Spring Ground site Steamboat Springs, CO Study physical and chemical impacts on the ice nucleating properties of atmospheric particles.
WinterStorms 2003 Winter NOAA G-4 Honolulu, HI and Anchorage, AK Measured O3 as adjunct effort to improve weather forecasts for western US.
TReC 2003 Fall NOAA G-4 Newfoundland, Canada O3 measurements as part of NOAA weather forecast research.
Hurricane 2003 Fall NOAA G-4 Western Atlantic, Caribbean O3 measurements as part of NOAA hurricane reconnaissance.
NEAQS 2002 Spring NOAA R/V RHB eastern US Study air quality prediction and monitoring.
ITCT 2002 Spring NOAA WP-3D, Ground site western US Study transport and chemical processing of pollution.
Hurricane 2002 Summer - Fall NOAA WP-3D Western Atlantic, Caribbean O3 measurements as part of NOAA hurricane reconnaissance.
ITCT 2001 Winter NOAA WP-3D, NOAA G-4 western US, North Pacific Ocean O3 and CO measurements as part of NOAA campaign to improve weather forecasts of western US.
TexAQS 2000 Summer NCAR Electra, Ground site Houston, TX Study formation and transport of air pollutants.
SOS 1999 Summer NOAA WP-3D, Ground site Nashville, TN Study distribution and production of fine aerosols and ozone.
Niwot Ridge 1984 Summer - Fall Ground site Niwot Ridge, CO Evaluate composition of reactive nitrogen oxides in the remote troposphere.